Tuesday, 24 January 2012

School activities - SRIJANA photos

V. Ma. Bhat inaugurating Srijana -2011

Principal with colleague Joshi watching Clay models
Resource  persons teaching paper craft

Student involved in drawing
Paper masks by students

Attractive Water colors

Little poets!

Bright & colorful

Journalist U.S.Nirpaje watching the art

Our president G.P.Saya at SRIJANA

Little singers with Guru on the stage

Spectaters with enthuse...

Stage over pouring with resource persons

Greeting the sponsor-er Krishna Bhat with kalpavriksha 


  1. very nice, i m very happy 2 see my school activities here thanks for publishers

  2. I came to know that Mr.B.I.Bhat the first Principal of JHS expired on 28th July 2103. I pay homage to him and pray that let his soul rest in peace. I am proud to be the student of first batch passed out in 1968.
