Tuesday, 24 January 2012

German couple in our institution in Jan'12

 Photos by Marco, a German who visited our schools with his wife Liz  and son Theo 

In High School & Jr College

Liz with her son Theo in P.U. class

In Higher Primary School

School activities - SRIJANA photos

V. Ma. Bhat inaugurating Srijana -2011

Principal with colleague Joshi watching Clay models
Resource  persons teaching paper craft

Student involved in drawing
Paper masks by students

Attractive Water colors

Little poets!

Bright & colorful

Journalist U.S.Nirpaje watching the art

Our president G.P.Saya at SRIJANA

Little singers with Guru on the stage

Spectaters with enthuse...

Stage over pouring with resource persons

Greeting the sponsor-er Krishna Bhat with kalpavriksha 

Welcome to Janatha Schools Adyanadka!

All the members n other old students  are welcome to the Blog. 

 Another batch of students are rolling out of the school in search of better future. 

We welcome them too to join as followers.